
calligraphy practice

Here are a couple of practice images inspired by the serialized story that I’m writing: “sacred geometry” - Sailor Jentle Blue-Black in a 6.0mm Pilot Parallel pen. vesica piscis - Noodler’s Dragon’s Napalm in a 6.0mm Pilot Parallel pen

books about calligraphy

In a discussion this week with Brian of the great Goulet Pen Company, he asked what books, if any, I’ve used to learn about calligraphy. I pointed him to The Calligrapher’s Bible, by David Harris. It contains instructions for how to write 100 different alphabets. He also discusses the tools of the craft, including pens, brushes, and paper; and gives solid advice on paying attention to composition and layout. Each alphabet contains an example of each letter, complete with stroke order, as well as instructions for pen angle and how to handle other, specific nuances.

flex vs. italic nibs

Loomi asked: Would you recommend an ink pen to start with Italic writing? I have seen videos of the Maby Todd pen with the gloriously flexible nib. refer to video linked at Is that one too advanced for a beginner like me? What is a starting pen of Italic writing? Excellent question! While italic and flexible nibs are both capable of producing significant line variation, there is a definite difference between the two.

how I learned to write pretty

Recently, I’ve received many compliments regarding my calligraphy, which I consider to be both flattering and encouraging, as I’m relatively new to the art. However, many of those who have offered compliments have lamented their own lack of ability in calligraphy. Since this is precisely the position I was in last year, I’d like to offer the lessons I’ve learned to try and help others. By no means am I an expert – I’ve only been practicing on and off for about a year and my knowledge is still limited.