Rating: 4.0
February 28, 2010
The Iroshizuku inks by Pilot are quickly becoming my favorite brand. I started my Iroshizuku collection with Yu-Yake (Sunset), which is a delightful burnt orange that I would describe as somewhere between a sunset and the color of autumn leaves. It is a very saturated orange, though it exhibits significant shading in a wide nib. In a fine nib, the shading is reduced, though still apparent.
Sketches of octopi - the inspiration for the poem “an octopus would.”
Sketches of prairie dogs. They’re cute.
Elephants are people too
They do the things that people do
They eat, they sleep, they laugh, they play
And eat their vegetables every day
As I was driving to work this morning, the people on the radio were discussing the merits of pajama jeans, which, for the unaware, are apparently pajamas that look like jeans.
The woman on the radio team was stressing that she liked the idea because it provided better comfort. She could roll out of bed and come to work in pajama jeans.
I’d like to know when jeans became the new benchmark from which we’re measuring comfort.
An octopus would
If an octopus could
Hug you with
Eight different limbs
And then you could play
In the sun every day
While you sit on the sand
And it swims
ARTHUR: A middle-aged bureaucrat. He wears unstylish glasses and a suit one size too big.
BERTRAND: A talking duck.
An unremarkable conference table in an unremarkable conference room in the depths of the FDA. ARTHUR and BERTRAND are sitting on either side of the table, surrounded by piles of paper and groups of assistants.
ARTHUR: I have to say, you seem remarkably calm about this agreement.
BERTRAND: Well, we are prey animals as much as predators.