Rating: 5.0
March 03, 2010
J. Herbin Poussière de Lune (Moon dust) is a deep violet color that reminds me of the shadow cast by a lunar eclipse. It exhibits moderate shading in wider nibs, but is remarkably consistent in a fine nib. It is a moderately saturated ink – especially compared to other J. Herbin inks I own, which tend toward low saturation – so its overall color is affected by the paper it is used with.
Rating: 3.5
March 01, 2010
Iroshizuku Kiri-same (Misty Dark Gray) by Pilot is the essence of storm clouds in a bottle. It runs the gamut from light to dark gray, as it exhibits significant shading in wider nibs. In fine nibs, it tends to run very light – almost too light for normal use.
Like other Iroshizuku inks, it flows well, and I have had no issues using it across a variety of pens and nibs.
Rating: 4.0
February 28, 2010
The Iroshizuku inks by Pilot are quickly becoming my favorite brand. I started my Iroshizuku collection with Yu-Yake (Sunset), which is a delightful burnt orange that I would describe as somewhere between a sunset and the color of autumn leaves. It is a very saturated orange, though it exhibits significant shading in a wide nib. In a fine nib, the shading is reduced, though still apparent.